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Nipro is one of the world’s largest needle manufacturers, producing over 11 billion units each year. With the lowest penetration and gliding forces, healthcare professionals can expect outstanding needle performance while reducing patient discomfort.

Nipro Needles to deliver the best

The Nipro needles are known to deliver drugs or fluids in the field of health care rapidly and efficiently. They are ultra-thin and available in a variety of combinations. Regardless of their types, they are easy to use and designed to be accurate. They can smoothly penetrate the tissues delivering the required content and helping alleviate any discomfort. Their flexibility lies in their cutting-edge innovativeness and smooth gliding as well as performance. They also come in premium quality and packaging that makes them convenient for all users.

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Nipro is one of the world’s largest needle manufacturers, producing over 11 billion units each year with the lowest penetration and gliding forces, healthcare professionals can expect outstanding needle performance while reducing patient discomfort.
ÂŁ12.00 ÂŁ9.60 ÂŁ8.00