Silhouette Soft Cones Threads: Lunchtime Face Lift

You may have heard of the 30-minute facelift or lunchtime facelift and I bet you’re wondering if spectacular results can really be achieved in that time?

Luckily, Silhouette Soft Cones  have made this achievable with limited side effects or downtime afterwards. It is a safe alternative for people who do not wish to pursue surgical lifting yet or would like a semi-permanent way to fix the first visible signs of ageing; sagging skin and lost volume. Silhouette Soft is a non-surgical minimally invasive treatment which has an immediate lifting effect, minimal recovery time and uses entirely re-absorbable material. Silhouette Soft® are made of a Poly L-Lactic Acid monofilament with moulded cones made of Lactide/ Glycolide. It was developed by scientists in the USA using reconstructive and aesthetic surgical expertise. The suture acts as scaffolding under the surface of the skin to lift sagging soft tissues. The cones both hold the threads in place, and in time stimulates the body’s production of collagen to replace depleted facial volume which diminishes with age. The thread and cones will be filtered out through the body’s natural waste production like dissolvable stitches.

The process is non-invasive involving no cuts or incisions made to the skin, local anaesthetic is applied to the face to ensure maximum comfort for the patient and the silhouette soft thread is inserted under the skin into the subcutaneous layer of fat using a fine needle. The threads and cones will be arranged by the qualified doctor to lift the sagging skin and reshape the surface of the skin. The immediate lifting can be seen straight after treatment has ended. The procedure continues to work, and you will see further improvements in the treated area because the poly-lactic acid will be re-absorbed into the skin which will boost its natural collagen. These two effects of lifting and regenerating have not been combined into one procedure before. Treatment is long lasting, and effects can be seen for up to 18 months depending of lifestyle, skin condition and absorption rates. It has minor side effects of bruising and swelling around the treatment area. It is best used to treat sagging skin around the brow, midface, chin, jawline and neck area. It can used in conjunction with Botox or hyaluronic acid-based fillers but this can be decided between you and your doctor. Prices vary depending on the number of cones needed, available in packs 8, 12 and 16 cones.